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All the benefits of sea moss in a delicious, convenient gummy!
All the benefits of sea moss in a delicious, convenient gummy!
It's the superfood of the sea! This red algae contains 90% of the minerals and vitamins that our bodies need for proper function. It can help to boost your immunity, promote a healthy thyroid and improve overall gut health☻
This nutrient dense algae is firm in texture and ranges in colour from red, green, purple and most commonly gold. Taken daily, sea moss can help: support a healthy immune system, deliver long-lasting energy, and strengthen your hair + nails.
Native to Northern Asia and Europe, this plants deep roots are very long and vary in color from beige to brown and nearly black. For centuries it has been used to treat a variety of conditions, most commonly as a digestive aid + anti-inflammatory powerhouse.
Bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed that is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iodine, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, and vitamins A and C. It has been used to help with iodine deficiency, joint pain + thyroid dysfunction.
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